On the other hand, when we are connected to our worthiness, and we approach our goals with certainty and faith, it seems like all the stars align for us to reach that goal. It almost seems effortless. That doesn’t mean that there is no effort or action involved, but our creativity comes so natural and joyful that it doesn’t seem like work.
In order for you to start creating from worthiness and with faith you need to clear the limitations, blockages and old stories that are holding you down.
This can be done with an Emotional healing.
Emotional healing is a guided session where we tap into your vibrational self (emotional, mental and astral body) that is not visible to your human eyes, but can be felt through your emotions. All your traumas from the past and the pain you’ve been through have left a certain energetic mark on your vibration. Suppressed negative emotions that are not acknowledged keep being present in your energetic field. With Emotional healing we are able to connect to unexpressed emotions and bring light to these parts of yourself. This initiate an energetic healing and brings an opportunity to shift your beliefs on subconscious level.
From a Law of attraction point of view, we are manifesting in our physical life what is present in our vibration. Therefore, clearing your energetic field and changing beliefs on a subconscious level create lasting and impactful results in your life.
In the beginning we will discuss your current situation and challenges you want to overcome. You’ll be introduced to the method and we will set the intention for the healing. Then you’ll be guided into a theta brain waves state – which is a deep meditative state where we are able to access your subconscious mind. The technique I used is based on the Theta Healing in combination with my personal healing modalities that I’ve integrated throughout the years. In the theta brain wave state you’ll gain new insights and see your situation from a whole new perspective. You’ll be guided to see parts of yourself that crave your attention. We’ll clear the energetic blocks and stored emotions that are preventing you to be creative and fully expressed. Throughout the whole session you’ll feel a pleasant and loving energy holding space for your deep transformation.
Absolutely, I’m doing most of the sessions online. There is actually no difference in the effect since the work is done in morphogenetic field, where there is no interference of time and space.
You have to be committed to your growth and willing to play full out. If you are just waiting for a rescuer that will save you from whatever is bothering you, this is not a session for you. To create the meaningful experience you have to be willing to change and face the truth. When you are tired of being in your own way and playing small, you are ready for this! It will be life changing!